Services Offered
Virtual Nutrition Counseling
Nutrition assessment and simplified dietary advice
Telehealth consults using Healthie, a HIPAA-compliant, encrypted and secure Electronic Health Record (EHR)
Ability to use your devices--computer and/or phone to access your virtual appointment
Consistent feedback using food photo journaling and chat functions on Healthie; the EHR platform.
Optional DNA testing to personalize nutrition advice to enhance your energy, health and longevity. Scientific evidence shows some people need to consume more (e.g. vitamin D) or less (e.g. sodium) of a particular nutrient than the general dietary recommendations in order to achieve optimal health. Nutrigenomix is a DNA-based testing that will help provide greater personalization for each individual. See brochure below
In network for Cigna, Medicare, Aetna, Humana and UnitedHealthcare

While working together, we will be using Healthie, an easy-to-use web and mobile platform that allows you to connect with me and track your care while we work together. All of your information is secure and private, as Healthie is HIPAA-compliant.
Here are some of the features we can share with Healthie:
Easily complete all of your paperwork, intake forms, and assessments digitally
Schedule or modify appointments, and see any upcoming sessions we have booked
We can connect virtually through Healthie’s secure messenger and video chat
Upload and share documents, like lab reports and other materials
Log pictures of your food (no calorie counting!) and track your workouts, and I can give you feedback in the comments
We can set goals and monitor them to help you stay on track

Why Nutrigenomix
DNA Testing?
By using DNA testing, we are now able to analyze your genes to predict how your body will likely respond to certain nutrients.​
Comprehensive genetic test consisting of 70 genetic markers.
Developed by world-renowned researchers.
Genetic tests are based on the most robust scientific evidence.
DNA is analyzed using a simple saliva sample.
Personalized recommendations developed based on your unique genetic profile.
*DNA testing is not covered by insurance

Meal Planning Service

Plans are 100% customized to your specific condition, goals, preferences and schedule
Roadmap for success with clear check in points
Eliminates stress and complexity of creating weekly meals
Engaging meal variety with tasty, tested, vetted and expert-curated recipes
Creates real long-term change in how you plan, prepare and shop for meals, cascading into lifestyle and behavioral health improvements