About Me

I'm Cheryl Orlansky, and I have been a registered and licensed dietitian and diabetes and care and education specialist for over 30 years. I've worked as a contractor for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, GA in health promotion services for employees. For the past 17 years, I led a diabetes and nutrition program in a large multi site physician practice, a Northside Hospital network provider.
My expertise is weight management, diabetes education and management, and chronic disease prevention and management (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, cancer or preDiabetes). I am also a Monash University low FODMAP IBS diet trained dietitian. If you are ready for lifestyle changes, I can empower you to follow a sustainable nutrition and health plan.
Professional activities
Georgia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics State Media Representative, 2009-12
Greater Atlanta Dietetic Association, President, 2014-5
American Association of Diabetes Educators GA State Coordinating Body appointment 2016-20.
Outstanding Dietitian of the Year, 2013, Georgia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Distinguished Service Award-Grassroots Effort from Georgia Dietetic Association, 2009
Distinguished Service to a District, Greater Atlanta Dietetic Association, 2008​
Media Experience:Interviewed and quoted in numerous articles on fitness and nutrition for Atlanta Fitness and Sports magazine, Atlanta Journal and Constitution and WebMD
Recipient of The Golden Carrot Award and featured in AJC, 2006 for demonstrating effective lifestyle behaviors for the Laureate Medical Group staff and patients.
Featured in Radio, TV and print for National Nutrition Month
CW 69 TV: Televised for National Nutrition Month
Georgia Public Broadcasting: March 4, 2011 and 2012 interviewed for Diet 411 promotion.
V-103 Radio promotions and supermarket tours for community outreach with the Georgia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. ​